If you’re looking for an investment option with less stress – you can lease this property to DHA!
DHA has assessed this property location, plans and inclusions and has committed to a long-term lease on completion of construction, if delivered to the agreed specifications.
The benefits of leasing to DHA include:
• reliable rental income
• long-term leases up to 12 years
• rent paid in advance
• property care including most non-structural repairs
• For more visit www.dha.gov.au/investing/#investingbenefits
DHA owns the land, and the investor will sign a contract with DHA for the land purchase, and a separate contract with the builder for the dwelling construction. DHA is not the vendor of the property dwelling construction and therefore makes no representation in relation to the builder, the construction of the property or any other matter unrelated to the DHA Lease Agreement or Property Care Contract.
Investment in a DHA property is subject to the terms of the DHA Lease or other contractual documentation and those terms take precedence over any information contained in this advertising material.
Investors should always seek appropriate independent advice before making any investment decisions with DHA.
Defence Housing Australia (DHA) and Brolen Homes Pty and Set and Forget Investments Pty Ltd do not guarantee, warrant, or represent that the information contained in this advertising and marketing material is free from errors or omissions. Illustrations and photographs are to be regarded as indicative only. Any interested parties should make their own enquiries, seek expert advice, and review the contract terms. Prices are subject to change without notice. This advertising and marketing material does not form part of the contract of sale.